Storyteller: Jennifer LaFontaine

Languages: English with Mohawk, Cree, Anishnaabemowin and Algonquin

About the story: Jennifer reflects on the power of belonging from being part of the language nest.

Learn More: In Jennifer’s story, she finds strength from having language nest members share their languages with each other. Counting is a favourite to share, and in her story we learn to count to 5 in Mohawk, Cree, Anishnaabemowin and Algonquin.

In these language resources we highlight some great ways to learn to count in Anishnaabemowin: call and response, songs and above all, making it fun!

Culture and Language Activities

Count to 3 in Ojibway

Learning Strategy 1: Start small, and then add numbers as you grow more comfortable.

Count to 5 in Ojibway

Learning Strategy 2: Watch Count to 3 and Count to 5 and say the numbers out loud with the kids.

Count to 5 in Mohawk

Count to 5 in Cree

Re-watch Jennifer’s digital story to practise counting in Cree, Mohawk and Algonquin as well!

Count to 10 in Ojibway

Learning Strategy 3: Sing the Count to 10 song when you brush your own teeth, or with your kids.