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My Red Road

Paul reflects on how he found direction in his life.

It was for me...

Lynda reflects on how ceremonies and pow wows return her to her culture.


Laura reflects on the importance of learning language as a legacy to her husband.

The Feather

Kate recounts how learning about another culture helped her connect to her own.

Her Story Her Pride

Jurnee reflects on an experience of racism and how to stand up for herself.

Counting to Five

Jennifer reflects on the power of belonging from being part of the language nest.

The Story of the Crane and the Ojibway

Franks recounts his grandfather’s stories about their family’s involvement in the Great Peace of Montreal, Treaty of Niagara and the Jay Treaty.

Earth Woman

Clarice deepens her understanding of who she is as a Métis woman.


Sandra reflects on why being part of children’s lives matters to her.

Not Defeated

Nathan tells us how residential school tried to steal his grandmother’s language, and how his language journey resists the legacy of residential schools.

Zaam niibina gaye go aapiji

Asinikwe shares her frustration about a busy schedule that gets in the way of language learning.

Ji shkitoyin!

An anonymous storyteller shares how she has chosen to raise her children in the language. This story is in Ojibway with English Subtitles.


Brenda shares how her connection with her grandchild brings her back to her language.


Dayle tells us what it was like growing up as a light-skinned Ininu girl, and what she hopes to pass on to her son.

Becoming Kiawenniserathe

Alison shares how the ancestors guided her and connected her to community and culture.